28 July, 2020

The burden of living!

As I watched this senior citizen walk past, I observed him carrying a bag, bundle of papers, an umbrella and was well covered with a face mask!

With all the restrictions imposed on senior citizens due to the COVID 19, I take time to chat with senior citizens to get a feel of their sense of wellness and coping skills. 

One new realisation that dawned on me is that they are not necessarily internet skilled. Although a lot can be done staying at home through accessing internet facilities, many senior citizens do not have access to it or are not versatile. 

So they end up having to go to offices to get their work done. Do they get a priority care in any of these places! No!

One gentleman mentioned to me how difficult it was to walk back home after his eyes were dilated for an eye check up!  He had little money left to hire an auto-rickshaw to go home. He struggled to avoid the glare of the bright sun. He did not have a sun glass to wear. 

The stress the senior citizens encounter in the journey of life is underestimated. I travelled in a public transport. There are designated seats for senior citizens. But at least three of us, senior citizens were standing, while the young people occupying the seats looked the other way. The conductor of the bus was least thoughtful!  Two ladies sitting in regular seats got up to offer us a place. I was touched by that thoughtful offer. One senior citizen used that offer.  

There are many stories of senior citizens getting abandoned even by their own children!

The picture of this senior citizen walking,  carrying symbols of burdens on his person, stays with me. How terrible it is to leave them to fend for themselves in the evening years of their lives!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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