22 January, 2020

Flight movements !

I have an interest to watch and capture the flight readines and the movements of the birds in the air as theya re species specific.

Birds fly away for various reasons and those reasons might determine the way they lift the body in the air. In response to a threat, when they lift thier body in the air, it would look clumsy and convey agitated body movements. 

But when they fly between their flight stations, the birds fly restfully!

Most birds balance with their wings by fluttering them in between or continuously depenedign on the span of their wings and thier body contours. The large birds with with wide wing spans seem to rest with their wings while they move in teh direction of the air current. 

I receive some messages from these body movements of the birtds. A flight is a movement for a purpose. Birds fly for thier need and pleasure. 

Most of us work because of our desire to offer service or to respond to a need. But it is yet another thing to work for pleasure and with pleasure. 

I have come across some people who convey delight and joyfullness at work. They do so becasue work is an expressiom of their true nature of mindfulness of others. We are driven by the philosophy of customer care to advance business and profit. There is a motive of gain in that contet. But there are some who work becasue work makes them feel fulfilled. To serve others is a vocation for such people!

I have struggled with this a lot in the recent months. In my work setting, listening to others is one way of being open to otthers!  At the end of each day, I return to the events of the day to recall my 'delight level' and 'stress level'! 

This audit has helped me to move towards working more delightfully! 

M.C.Mathew (teaxt and photo)

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