21 January, 2020

A language of intimacy

There is a language of nearness in the avian world.

Humans too have a language that can bring a new level of meaning and intimacy. I watched this yesterday with a mother who was reaching out to her five year old son to upbuild and affirm him, even while she was talking about his difficulties in learning. There was no belittling or blaming. Her son mattered to her beyond his academc achievements currently. 

As against this, I come across a language of aggression and accusation in the comkon place. The mood is one of anger and distance in our public discourses. 

The language of intimacy springs from our recognition of the worth and value of the other person! All people are similar in origin and destinay whether theyan re good or evil! 

In the aprable of the banquet that Jesus of Nazareth narrated, the invitation was sent to people who  were 'good and evil' when the original invitees did not turn up for the banquet. This is an outlook which is scare in human behaviour. We like only those who are likable. 

The language of welcome and trust is what woudl build a family and community! This means that we care for those who are wounded to offer them an opportunity to recover and be healed! So life becomes relatonal and reciprocal!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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