24 March, 2023

The gift of a Look !

It was when I noticed this gift of a look of a Magpie Robin, perched in the custard apple tree at sunrise, in our front garden, I felt intrigued by the richness of an emotional message in a beholding look!

Later in the day, I watched the photo below of Drs Frank and Val Garlick along with Mike and Sue and felt touched by the gift of their look!

Frank is no more with us, but the memory of his beholding look is lasting. He looked to see, receive, affirm and communicate. Val, Mike and Sue whom we hope to visit shortly are friends who have often touched our lives with kindness and warmth. 

 While we look, we see and gain something for ourselves.

What do we communicate to others through our look!

Others might look at us through the emotion of their anxiety, anticipation, stress, disappointment or fear. It is common for others to be under the influence of their inner feelings which get expressed in their look. Some avoid looking and others do not have an engaging message in their look, when they are weighed down within. 

The people around us live and behave, arising out of the impact of the world within their inner self. 

It is to such people around that we can convey gently, warmth, regards, acceptance, and an awakening of hope!

I happened to be stopped by a resident yesterday in the corridor who spoke about the decision to choose a specialty for further training. As I listened to the experiences of residency, I felt the weighing thoughts behind her words. It was then I remembered the gift of look, that I pondered upon in the morning! It was then I felt that my listening presence and receiving look can be my gift of understanding and consolation. 

A look is all that we can gift to others. Even a fleeting look can be hope generating! If we can grow in the habit of receiving others by our inviting and comforting look, then we are silent path finders to others.

I have had surprises of such experiences recently. While going to give the hospital charts at the Medical records department at the end of the consultation around 8 pm, a domestic staff looked at me with smiling face and gracious words of appreciation. My tiredness and gloom vanished as in that look, I received encouragement and goodwill. That generated a sense of wellness within. 

We might meet others in their lonely moments. Our gift of look can transport a person from the woes of aloneness to an experience of belonging!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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