02 March, 2023

The photography with Mobile phone!

It was during a recent visit of Theo Herren, a dear friend for thirty five years, Anna and I discovered the wonder of photography with mobile phones. 

Theo is an avid photographer who abandoned his camera and used his mobile phone to capture scenes and sights, which he uses to make greeting cards and calendar. His photographs of flowers have an outstanding quality. 

I was amused by Anna receiving a lesson in mobile phone photography form Theo while we were on our visit to Malyattoor recently. 

There are mobile phones with phenomenal features that even movies can be created and edited in these phones. 

Think of a movie camera of about five kilograms getting replaced by a mobile phone which weighs about 400 grams! 

One of the special things about photography that I do not feel confident about, is the use of   different modes in a camera according to the light conditions. When in doubt, I tend to use the automatic mode, which good photographers would avoid using. They trust their own settings for the occasion. 

I happened to be drawn by the lure of nature photography starting with a 35 mm camera which had no zoom or macro functions. Now that I too have moved to DSLR camera and lenses of different focal lengths and telescopic and macro functions, I have been learning something interesting. 

In a flashing moment one's eye cannot capture the details and depth of a scene or sight. One requires a photo to enter into the depth of the sight and scene. In fact a video has several advantages, but for meditative purpose a still photo is superior. 

It was while looking at this photo of Pelicans taken in a cloudy evening, from a distance of about 800 meters with a 400 mm lens, I realised even more of the details photos can give us! To watch the waterbirds grooming their feathers just before sunset was a delight! Their bills are large and look clumsy but the way they tend to attend to their feathers was a a sight that amazed me. 

Photos give us a new window of details often missed by our fleeting visual attention !

Eyes capture the scenes and photos which give us details that can inspire and enlarge our thoughts and attitudes!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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