02 January, 2021

Tower of blocks !

As Anna and I look forward to the year 2021, there are hopes and aspirations which fill our hearts. The fact that we escaped the COVID 19 thus far is a sobering thought. We lived nearly normally during the last ten months except for the restriction we imposed on ourselves for the outstation travels. 

We resumed the Friday Forum in 2019 on an on line platform, which had discontinued after we left CMC Vellore 12 years back. It is a weekly forum to pursue the theme of Life, Living and Learning from a Biblio-centric perspective.

As I look at the tower of these blocks, from which each person present at the Foster get together was attempting to take out a piece, the tower began to tilt. This was the sight a little while before it tumbled, while one attempted to take out one more piece. 

Sometimes that is the way most of us live, precariously and vulnerably! 

This bird is perched on a bunch of dry seeds, which to me look fragile and ready to fall off from its stem. Its safety is in its ability to fly in case the seeds gives way by its weight. Its wings provide the confidence to find the fragile place safe. 

All fragile places can also be safe places for those who are used to lifting up their eyes to 'the mountains', from where they help come from (Psalm 121:1). The assertion of the Psalmist in the following verse that, 'My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip, He who keeps you will not slumber', is the hope all of us can carry as we walk through the vulnerable experiences ahed in 2021. 

This sun bird is balancing itself on a twig while gathering its nectar. It is almost inclined downward, but safe and secure.

Life is to be lived well in all situations even at the edges of life on occasions when we are faced with challenges hitherto not known to us. 

Anna and I look forward to 2021. We long to live restfully even when placed in vulnerable situations. 

Living beyond and after retirement is what is on our minds. Anna has just retired and my turn is in June 2021. This would involve to become tent makers as long as we are well. 

As we go through the journey experiences in life , there are experiences of wilderness, desert, and green pastures. We shall look forward to all of them.

Both the birds are on a movement posture. It was evening and the the sunlight was getting dim. Yet the birds are on the move !

Th inward and outward movements when in synchrony, there is direction for the journey. The journey experiences are more real than the destination itself!

So we move on...life s still unfolding before beyond  seventy years ! This is the extended Christmas season in our lives!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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