10 January, 2021

Ageing and fruit bearing !

This coconut palm which is at least forty-five years old is now showing a decline in its fruits for a few years now. We have thirty five coconut palms of this vintage in our garden some still bering fruits and others gradually showing signs of ageing. There were 120 of them until ten years ago. Except the thirty five, the others had to be felled when they showed signs of decay. 

The history of trees anywhere is also the history of people. 

Apart from remembering my parents who embarked on greening the property when they obtained it in 1955, my memory goes back to Joseph the gardener, who worked for us for about twenty five  years till he was ready to retire. 

The interesting thing bout him that stays with me is his meticulous care of the coconut palms. They needed regular attention as they were at risk of attacks from pets in the roots and in the head. He attended to prevent them by using biological protective methods. I do not remember of losing any coconut palms in those years when our neighbours lost many young palms. 

I did not give enough regard to Joseph's efforts to protect the palms till recently. We lost seven young palms during the last six months which we planted seven years ago. They thrived well till Beatles ate the head and damaged them permanently. 

What seemed special about Joseph was his farmer's instinct. A farmer by nature would like to see the fruits of his labour and receive benefit from it for his livelihood. Farmers are dependent on the farm produce for up-keep. Farmers feed others with their produce.

When farmers are protesting at Delhi against the three farm laws, the civil servants formulated, there is a deep anguish they suffer from. They fear that their rights over their farms are being taken away and given over to those who can decide about what they ought to grow and when. They feel threatened by becoming farm workers. A farmer is not just a farm worker. He or she considers farm as  'inheritance' and therefore is their 'child'. They nature the land and the land bears fruits. They live close to their farms and cultivate the land  to provide food for others. With the intrusion from the government, they become middle men rather than the producer and provider. As middlemen they are asked to produce what would benefit the company that takes over the farming. The profit for the company would determine and guide all the farming activities.  The farmers fear being made to be workmen in the farms. They feel threatened that even their farms would be bought up by corporate companies that  they end up being farm labourers over a period of time.  They fear losing the dignity of being farmers. 

When I look at an ageing tree, I want to recall the hands that planted and nurtured that tree. A farmer is also a visionary living with feelings for others and their needs. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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