11 December, 2020

Outer and inner events


Anna and I went by 7am this morning to cast our votes in the local-body election.


We were greeted by the candidates and party workers of three political parties who have candidates contesting in the election. 


When we joined the queue of about thirty people, we were escorted to the front as a favour for senior citizens to shorten their stay in a public place, in view of the pandemic. That was more than a surprise. I noticed that during the half an hour when we waited to be called in, only senior citizens got the opportunity to cast their vote. The others waited patiently and orderly. 


At the voting hall, I was welcomed with a greeting and the process went smoothly. While returning, the candidates greeted us again. In a week, each of them would know the outcome.


While driving to go the Hospital this morning, I noticed seven polling stations over a distance of 22 Kilometers. At 8 am in the morning, people were already at the booth in good number. 

In the state of Kerala, most people have a permanent affiliation to one of the three major political parties.


In this election, a non-political group which was involved in running a local body most effectively in one Panchayat decided to contest for election in two other Panchayats. 


This group sprang up from the experience of engaging the local community through service under the umbrella of the Corporate Social Responsibility. All corporate companies are obliged by law to provide a small percentage of their income for social benefits in the community. As all those who are involved in that local body are professionals and are similar in their intent, the local body that they administered for five years, was able to do some unusual beneficial activities. One of them was ensuring a food packet for every family, for a fixed monthly payment. 


The farmers all over ht country are agitated over the unjust laws, the current government in Delhi promulgated. There is no end to the agitation in sight. 


The central government is now engaged in pacifying the farmers and justifying its position. That is no way to settle a dispute.


Even the Supreme Court of India criticised the government for the hurry in which the government proceeded to construct a new parliament house in New Delhi with no detailed attention to the environment changes it would cause. It ground breaking ceremony happened yesterday. The Prime Minister stays away from paying attention to over three hundred thousand people living in the high ways around Delhi for the last 12 days.

The President of the United States of America approached the Supreme Court with support from 17 states that the recently concluded Presidential election ought to be declared in favour of Mr Trump due to the fraudulent practices during the election. It is for the first time, in the history of its democracy that a retiring president is accusing the national election process as fraudulent. 

The 'authoritarian rule' was what created democracy. Now the authoritarian rule is taking an upper hand in Russia, USA and even in India. 

Soon we shall enter the Christmas festivity. It is all about the birth of Jesus who came to bring joy, peace, and good will among humankind. I hope the followers of Jesus of Nazareth would receive an awakening to be engaged in this mission! 

I have felt lost in the recent months over what is happening in the department,nt where I work. The fellowship of mutuality has evaporated. Is it a consequence of not having children to look after or working only for half the time in a month due to the institutional quarantine policy of quarantine or  due to anything else! I feel frozen without ideas to find a way forward. Normally this season in preparation for the annual Christmas Cheer gathering, brings an effervescent experience to the department relationally. 

I realise that when we encounter a difficult experience, we need to proceed slowly, cautiously and trustfully!

The peace, joy and goodwill of Christmas-that is my longing now!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  

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