04 August, 2019

A spider and its prey!

I happened to watch a spider catch its prey. I t moved along the web form its hiding place in the centre, when it found an insect caught in the web.

 I watched the resistance the insect offered because of which the spider needed to change its strategy to consume it. The spider approached the insect from different sides as it was slipping out of the grip of the spider. 

Those five minutes of struggle between a spider and insect was symbolic of the law of nature. The less powerful looses its chance to defend and protect themselves. They are victims of the circumstances as they do not have the strength to fight back. 

The Narmada Andolan is about to begin shortly. With the Gujarat government deciding to increase the water level in Narmada dam during this monsoon, a few thousands of people are likely to be submerged on either side of the dam. All representations have failed and the agitation is about to start. Those who would be displaced are those who are tribals and economically disadvantaged who live from the produce of the land. They would lose land and are not resourceful enough to pick up another trade!

Our society is unequally placed. Those in controlling positions are not always reaching out to ease the genuine stressful situations of disadvantaged people. 

The big supermarkets have displaced many small shops in our area. The unwisely planned GST implementation and the demonetisation of high currencies seem to have offset the small traders awfully! But the national election held recently gave the ruling dispensation a second opportunity to govern the country!

But do they see or hear beyond the orbit of their political ideology!

The weak among us are the usual sufferers. 

Should this be that way! Mahatma Gandhi believed that, 'till the last person is well enough, we have not earned freedom' fully!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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