30 July, 2021

The cloud that gets concealed!

The mysteries of the sky are many. One of them is the cloud. The cloud makes the sky adds to its outstanding splendour. 

In the third picture, the brilliant white cloud is getting covered by dark clouds announcing the impending rain. 

Just a bit of he cloud remained visible till the sky got cleared after the heavy down pour. What I noticed after the rain was this sight below!

Against a majestic skyline was the Myna perched on a coconut tree stem, that was left after living its life and giving its fruits for years. 

My thoughts kept meandering. A coconut tree stem and a Myna!

The coconut tree is always bearing its fruits for years on end. After that is over, it becomes a flight station for the birds of the air. 

A old tree with no life in it is not redundant. It is still an important station for birds. 

In a meeting with a couple of people yesterday, I got a sense of how there is a practice of discarding and forgetting those who lived and  served. I was shocked by an attitude of a chess board approach to people. The tendency to view people from a work output perspective is to reduce them to be just robot like in behaviour. You programme a robot it performs in the way you condition it. 

The humans are like the clouds in the sky. They have a life span and during that time they serve with a purpose. The passport office where Anna and I visited yesterday surprised us by the way its officials attended to people by being helpful. We got our passports renewed in 24 hours. Yes they were efficient but immensely humane and mindful in approach. 

When people grow older and are different in appeal or efficiency, there is a tendency to see them as  redundant. The sight of a Myna on an abandoned lifeless tree reminded me that life is still purposeful even when the shine of life is no more. Life in such situations become an offering to some others, who are still needy. 

For senior citizens, acceptance is a challenge! What they often experience is displacement. The rain clouds concealed the sky and the brilliant clouds on the sky, but only for a short time. 

Let me remind all senior citizens, that when we feel displaced, take a lesson from this tree that it becomes a flight station for many birds each day. 

Let us live hoping that we can bring life to others in a small way even with our declining.

A friendly person of unusual nature whom I came across is a senior citizen, who visits us and others with produce from his vegetable garden. He shares his skills and heart with others!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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