27 July, 2021

A bird call is an invitation!

I watched this tree pie in our garden during an in-between heavy rain spell, looking at  another tree pie giving out its bird call loudly! Although that did not bring them together, I was surprised by the vigilance of the tree pie to notice another bird and sounding a friendly call!

I work in a situation where friendships do not often design relationships but working compulsions. I have reflected over this a lot in the recent months. We are people first, then workers in a common place. If we are people first then what shall form between people is human relationships. Human relationships are well beyond work related relationships. 

I took time to look at the way I relate to others. I might turn to others because I need to get a work done! Do I look out for people whom I can encourage and who ion turn can lift my spirit!

There are givers and takers!

Givers are those, who by the virtue of the goodness of their heart carry others in their consciousness and look for opportunities to reach out just because it is good to do so. The takers are those who receive all that they can find or extract and stay indulgent in receiving. 

But there are those who are feelers, who go beyond the above two positions and live with a spirit of sensing how they and others can relate at a deeper level of trust and mutuality. They are people friendly and live thoughtfully and sensitively. 

I had an experience of this yesterday. A friend who called me to say that he thought of me and wanted to catch up with news about me. In that brief conversation he was interested to ask about me questions which referred to my wellness and current interests. He wondered whether, I was still comfortable to offer consultations during this pandemic! He wondered whether I was risk prone!

I was moved to hear him speak to me with care and concern. I do not remember anyone asking me this question recently except Anna or our children! Someone cared to enquire sitting about 1000 kilometres away!

I felt disturbed because I have not been in this wavelength for a while now. Feeling for others or with them occurs only now and then in my consciousness and is yet to become a habit. 

We grow to be thoughtful and generous when we can feel for people and with them. That is a transforming experience. 

It was a bird call for friendship which set me on this train of thoughts. 

How much am I sending out signals to announce my friendliness! That is the message that I carry with me!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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