03 April, 2021

The Stillness in between !

There was earth quake, tombs open, the veil of the temple torn apart, and intense darkness in the middle of the day when Jesus of Nazareth does on the cross. 

On the first day of the week, since the women discovered that Jesus had risen by sighting the empty tomb, there was another series of events with Jesus appearing to different people and bringing a new hope for the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Between these two events there was suspense and stillness with some women preparing to go to the tomb of Jesus with spices on the first day of the week. 

As I walked in our garden yesterday, I noticed the sights above in the late afternoon.  The sun was covered in clouds. The sky looked darker. At three in the afternoon it looked darker than for that time of the day. The leaves were motionless with no wind blowing. The birds remained silent and motionless for a long time. All I could notice was some butterflies on the lantana flowers and on the butter cups.

It is then I was reminded of the day in between the crucifixion and the resurrection. It was a day of despair for the followers of Jesus. Except some women, I do not get an indication of disciples or others waiting in hope for the day of resurrection. The gloom of the in-between day filled human hearts, while the security at the tomb was reinforced by the Roman army to make sure that the body of Jesus was not taken away by His followers to suggest that He had risen (Matt.27:57-66). 

We are told that the women who were active in following the sequences of the events from his death to his burial rested on the Sabbath after preparing the spices and perfumes(Luke.23:56-57).

The in between day being Sabbath was a symbol of rest. It is this that strikes me in the context of the crisis at my work place recently. It was a storm and closure of relationships of eight years. I was compelled to talk about it by the admisnitrattiona and others. For some reason which was a voice from within, I felt called to stay quiet and make no reference to events that preceded the crisis that happened. 

Looking back over the events of the last two months at my work place which landed me in a state of exhaustion, I feel silence alone was the only way forward! I know that my silence except for the most essential conversation with the administration was a gift I could offer. Th pain of silence when facts were distorted and some conversations described me as unjust was intense. I knew that I contributed to the drift by not acting on time. I continue to be grateful for the gift of silence that was granted to me. 

What followed the silence and stillness of the in-between day between the death and resurrection of Jesus was an 'earthquake and an angel of the Lord descending from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and and his garments as white as snow' (Mat 28:2). The security guards shivered in fear and remained frozen like dead men. 

The in-between  time in any instance is not a stand alone day. It has a link with the previous day and the following day. 

To stay still and contemplatively silent during the in-between season is a virtue and gain in the long run. 

I felt fascinated by the subdued look of the cat and somber state of Dulcie. They confirmed to me that there are times when being still is the only option that one can make. 

And yet the sights of butterflies, the cat and dog displace the despair and anxiety associated with stillness. They bring in a gentle way the depth and fruitfulness of stillness. It brings me back to meditate on the call of the Psalmist, 'Be still and Know that I am God'. What I long for a change and revival of situation that I am plied in at my work place. But this is likely to be a time to be still and wait! 

The half moon is not a permanent sight in the sky. The moon has its cycle. It is in waiting we discover the full moon!

The contemplative silence is not a passive phase in one's life. It was after preparing the spice and perfume for the first day of the week, the women in the Gospel narration rested on the Sabbath. They made themselves ready and rested. 

To be silent is to wait trusting and getting ready for movement when the opportune time arrives! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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