01 April, 2021

The drooping flower!

I have often wondered whether the ministry of the Church has suffered a set back globally in the recent times, when the Church was needed to be in a servant role during the pandemic of COVID 19.  Is it like a drooping flower in the garden of humanity! 

In the high priestly prayer of Jesus, narrated in John's gospel 17th chapter verses 1-12,  I find five distinct prayers Jesus offered before His passion week. 

1. The hour has come (v1) 

This refers to the awareness of Jesus about the nature and timing of His Gethsemane experience leading to Golgotha. Jesus recalled that He had come into the world for this purpose- to be a the saviour for which people have  been waiting for!  Let the Church too have this consciousness that in her servant role, she is called to be a means of hope and direction for people who face darkness and turmoil. 

A mother whose daughter studies in a school was at a loss to find the annual fees for the schooling. It was two days prior to the last day to pay the fees, she was able to find the money. She told me of at least five others in her neighbourhood who still had not paid the fees. Does not Church exist for people like this, who are bereft of any hope for their future!

2. This is eternal life (v.3)

The church is primarily present in every community to lead people to a faith in God and believe in Jesus. The Church is a community of carers and companions in her role and calling.We live at a time when the suffering has multiplied for people who are disadvantaged. 

A mechanic tole me yesterday that he accumulated a debt of four hundred thousand rupees during this COVID season as he had his health needs for which he had to borrow. He was out of job for ten months. People are at their wits end! From what I know of the congregation I that Anna and I belong to, the efforts to take sides of such people have been feeble to say the least. To give people a life of hope is the first step to help them in their journey towards God in faith. 

3. I manifested Thy name (V6)

The church is a visible community of believers and followers of Jesus of Nazareth. During the season of COVID the Church was to have been a resource to the community. This function was pursued by several churches. One congregation formed an action plan to be neighbour friendly and cared to visit the people at least once a month to be in touch and be a resource. One food packet that would last for about fifteen days was provided and volunteers offered help to take senior citizens to hospital; visit homes where older people wanted to hear the newspaper or Bible read; or go for a walk with them.  A manifestation of the heart of the Gospel, 'Love your neighbour as yourself'. 

4. All things that are mine are Thine (v10)

This is a self-transcendent view of life. I heard yesterday a professional mention about the difficulties at work and senior colleagues imposing with no room for self expression of treatment plan for patients. What is that you have which you did not receive!  If we have received, what is their to boast as if you have not received! ( I Cor.4:7). When I look at the edifices of the church buildings standing prominently on road sides, I fear that it presents an imposing presence of authority and not of service or charity.  Did the Church fail to offer to God her service in doing good and serve mindful of others 'for whom nothing was prepared' ! 

In our pursuit to be denominationally relevant did the Church loose its calling to be 'not of this world just as Jesus was not of the world!(v.16). Is there intolerance between people of faith because we belong to different denominations! If we belong to God then, we inherit a family of followers of God as our companions in faith. Is not the Church our mother in faith and ourselves brothers and sisters to each other! A marriage got postponed as the local vicar refused to give consent as the bride was from another denomination. Has not our division caused disgrace to the cause of the Church, where we ought to have been one in spirit! 

5. They may be one as we are one (v11)

Th universal character of the Church is be present in the world as a witness to the Triune God, who revealed to humankind through the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, His life, teachings, suffering and resurrection. It is Jesus of Nazareth, who still leads us to live in fellowship with each other. It is this oneness which shall tell others of love that heals, reconciles and restores. The father and the son in the parable of the Prodigal son reunited, is symbol of oneness that is given to us. God who waits for us and the son who returns! The Church universal is a divided community. There are separate worship places for the Dalit community in some parts of India. There was a religious fanaticism that separates us from others. Love is not always the language of the heart. 

I come back to the rose flower in our garden which got damaged in a heavy downpour and strong wind. Is the COVD 19 pandemic one such adversity that the Church has not been able to overcome!

Is the Church in a similar situation!

It is by taking upon the servant role we can hope to see the Church as a redeeming community!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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