01 July, 2019

The chronological time!

This sign board with time in different locations is often noticeable in the air ports, stock exchanges, hypermarkets, etc.

I look at this sign board with interest and think of friends living in these countries! The different times reveal the different rhythm of people in different locations.  

The chronological time separates the day from the night. 

The different time zones which we cover during an international travel can leave us tired with interruption of sleep.

Leave aside that for a moment. What about the transition from day to night even when we are located in one station! The evenings have become an extension of the day for some urban dwellers. Those who spend their time watching TV, partying, or gaming intensely break the rhythm of the body and the environment.  The night is a time for  transition to another physiological rhythm to our body and environment. 

The 'hangover' of tiredness due to late nights or reduced sleep make our bodies suffer from exhaustion due to the interruption of the normal physiology. 

Sleep deprivation leading to sleep debt can make us vulnerable to irritable behaviour, reduced attentiveness, impulsivity, reduced self regulation of anger and anxiety, etc.

The substance abuse which is on the increase along with sleep alteration would be one of the silent enemies of our body. I come across this all the time at my work with families in distress and children suffering due to emotional turbulence.

A home is a serene place for restful living! It is a place of stress and fights in some homes!

I agonies over this because children grow up carrying the stress of their homes! One child of nine years when asked to draw the picture of his home, he drew fire and flame! 

It is time that adults think about the way they spend their day and night! The rhythm of work and rest is a physiological pattern to our body. Let the night become a preparation for staying well and composed! Adults when become examples of keeping the boundary of day and night, children grow up respecting that tradition! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  

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