14 May, 2019

The farm with its bounty!

I wonder whether we take notice of the silently present plants and trees in a farm or garden! Sometimes we return to them at the time of manuring, tending or gathering the fruits.

A tree or a plant is the soul of a farm. They are a home for birds, insects, reptiles, orchids, etc. A tree has its visible part above the earth and an invisible part beneath the earth. The tres and plants live and thrive because they support each other and offer hospitality to each other to let them grow. It is occasional that the trees are 'selfish' to displace another tree of its own species or another species. A garden or a farm is a symbol of 'fraternity'!

As Ann and I walk in the farm and take in all the sights of fruits and nesting birds, we get a sense of the diversity with its the richness and abundance! 

I listened to two families yesterday,  who live 'lonely' lives amidst a crowded neighbourhood! The neighbours belong to another religion, ethnic background or occupation! Think of this terrible state of affairs! During this election season, the differences between people have been referred to by the national leaders that this 'separation' of people from each other got even more apparent!

The earth gives way its produce to everyone alike! It makes no distinction between people. Its bowl of bounty is for everyone. 

The president of the United States of America speaks of a language of 'America for Americans'; the prime minister of India refers to Pakistan as a hostile or terrorist neighbour; the British Prime Minister refers to England for the English and not even for Europeans...

As we hear these 'divisive' language, contrary to the symbol of togetherness that we see in the nature around us, most of us have a sense of grief! 

When Sri Lanka is 'fighting' the aftermath of its terrible Easter terrorist attacks which took away the lives of many and injured a large number,  we get another glimpse of the danger at our door step of human beings becoming enemies of each other. 

As I hear the current Prime Minister of India talks about the other leaders in a mean and defaming way and projects himself as one superior to all others, I get a sense of the 'hate' that he promotes to get a gain for himself!

Oh, that we would see each other as companions and fellow travellers! It is this message that I received after walking in our garden and receive the gifts of the fruits the plants and trees offer to us in plenty! 

Dear Prime minster, as a leader of the nation, are you not a 'servant' of all and not just one political party! If so, why not speak of others more kindly, respectfully and affiirmingy! All of us regard you, but your words make us stay away from you! You make us fearful! As a prime minister you are the only one who can promise freedom from fear! 

Humanity is a garden of people, all of whom are created in the image of God!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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