25 May, 2019

All from a nurturing soil !

Some trees hold your attention because fo their tall stature and spreading out to provide a canopy of shade ! It is the stem from which all branches are formed. Of course such trees might have years of history!

 A tree grows because of the soil. It is rooted in the earth. It receives its nourishment from the air and the soil. The tree is the product of nurture!

I continue to reflect on this as I hear stories of children who are denied of this nature at home, school and in society. 

I have a suspicion that some adults, parents and teachers have an attitude to subdue children to control and restrain them. 

The two poems that came to my attention yesterday were: 'His name is Today' by Gabriela Mistral and 'Your children are not your own' by Kahlil Gibran, both of which talk about the nurture that children deserve today for their tomorrow.

and yet, ' They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you. And though they are with you yet they do not belong to you..'

It is a blessing to be in a nurturing role towards children and yet regarding them as those destined for an 'eternity' beyond our aspiration, expectation or control. 

You nurture a child, and he or she shall become like the tree in the photo above !

This is a message for parents, grandparents and teachers! Have a vision for children beyond our longing!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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