27 May, 2019

Plentiful !

Since this papaya plant in our garden bearing fruit about six months back, there has been to time it was without flowers and new fruits. It grows and gives plenty of fruits. 

As I have entered the seventh decade in my life, I have often reflected on this way of living! As I grow older do I live more vicariously and generously towards others. 

A family whom I met after a gap of 12 years brought some encouragement. They conversed about the earlier associations we have had. They cared to visit while passing by. It was an act of kindness profoundly significant and revealing. 

I wondered whether I have withdrawn from being generous! 

During a recent gathering, few people with with whom I had lot to do for a few years, avoided greeting Anna and myself on account of some differences of opinion that had surfaced on policy matters of that institution. I too could not travel a second mile journey to greet them! This has been heavy on my heart since then. 

It is for this reason the papaya plant becomes a pointer and symbol to me. The only worthwhile way of being and living is by bearing fruits whether it rains or not!

I have a list of about 150 people to whom I intend to write to share my greetings and regards in connection with my seventieth birthday. Having written to about half of them, I sense how enlarging and growing an experience it has been! We grow only when we bring others into our orbit of consciousness !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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