18 May, 2019

An evening sight!

I watched this waterbird fly high into the sky one evening. I followed its flight path as much as it was visible through the telephoto lens. 

What fascinated me was its outstretched wings in slow motion moving up and down. It looked least effortful. Its body was suspended between its wings. Its legs fully extended and the neck slightly bent forward. It is its usual and conditioned flight style. That is how it flies negotiating the air currents at a height. 

All of us have our personal style of living, relating, and interacting. 

A friend who telephoned me yesterday told me that, 'You have a way of speaking on telephone'! That is when it dawned on me that each of us has our own way of doing everything, which might be different from how others do the same thing. 

The differences do not define which is right or wrong, but create a diversity to appreciate the unique ways we have learned to do different things or relate. 

This calls for growing in appreciation for others and their way of doing things. This frees us from a critical outlook to being appreciative. 

Even an audit of work performance can be done through an appreciative appraisal. 

Let others be themselves! Whenever possible allow the individual styles and patterns be creatively channeled to affirm a person's unique way of doing things for the good of others. 

During the painting of our cottage recently, all the four painters had different strokes and each of them had a similar output of good and aesthetic finish! So what does it matter if they had different strokes as long as they followed all the good practices of painting! But there are times individual ways ought to be subject to general guidelines such as while driving an automobile on the road. 

An individual is unique. Let the differences in our temperament and behaviour become a confluence of diversity bringing the consciousness of significance of each person!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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