19 May, 2019

Mango trees on the road side!

I confess that I get distracted while driving on the road by mango fruits hanging on mango trees. During a recent road travel of 570 kilometres, I counted about thirty varieties! There are road side shops near mango groves selling the fruits. One shop had thirty seven varieties. The shop keeper told me that every year new saplings get added through genetic engineering through the research activities of some outstanding agricultural scientists. 

Thanks to the improving cold storage system, mangoes are sold in the market from March to October.  In fact the first grade mango fruits get exported to middle eastern countries. We end up getting the second or third quality in the regular Indian market.

 A farm is complete only when there are mango trees with fruits. So this season brings many bird visitors to the mango trees. A mango tree on the road sides give yield year after year with none tending it. So mango tree is a self giving tree even when not cared for! The tree drops the fruit to the ground when it is fully ripe. So we get the fruit without any effort!

Some things in nature are profoundly symbolic in its meaning and appeal!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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