25 December, 2022

Peace, the ambience between people

I noticed, probably a  jet in our air space this morning! It was tiny to watch. But for the trial it left in the sky I would have missed it. 

It looked like a passenger air craft of Oman Air from the inscription on its belly!

I have noticed movements of other air crafts more than the usual in the recent weeks. I wondered whiter some of them are war air crafts as the newspapers mentioned about more vigilance in our international borders. 

While we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace into our midst, we are reminded of the reality of strife and tension which disrupt peace. The Ukrainian crisis seems to have no end in sight. The Indo-china border dispute is still brewing. The Pakistan occupied Kashmir is another tension prone border. The Afghanistan and Iranian situations are equally alarming.

It was a question from a six year old child, which made me aware of this paradox. His question was: 'Why is that stars and lights are displayed in the shop only in December? During the rest of the time what we find in the toy section of a supermarket is a collection of guns, racing cars,  earth movers, etc! If Jesus came to earth, then His coming to bring peace ought to be remembered all through the year'!

This question was upon my mind since two days. 

There are traces and marks of violence in human behaviour, communication, family life, politics, newspaper reporting, Television programmes, marketing of products, etc. 

Amidst this congestion of thoughts of divisions, hatred, animosity or desire to dominate, the message coming from Bethlehem is 'peace and goodwill' for all mankind!

It matters how we can be peace initiators!

I watched a gentleman get out of his car to pacify two people engaged in a road rage behaviour. After it was sorted out, I went to find something about his background. He is a peace activist associated with an organisation! The motto of his organisation is: Friendship towards all!

The people who watch Mr Rahul Gandhi walking to Kashmir covering over 3000 kilometres, to spread message of love, do look forward to some outcome of renewal of friendship between people who are divided on communal lines in India! 

Peace and goodwill- a cause worth pursing after, because we are all humans, called for a common journey and shared destiny. 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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