25 December, 2022

Finding the left out space!

I came out to look for the reason for the cacophony in our front garden. A pair of crows were chasing away Magpie Robins, Bulbuls, Sunbirds and Barbets who had come to feed on the custard apple.

The crows managed to chase them away. The crows did not seem to be interested in the custard apple,  but was seeking to  occupy the tree space in the garden. 

Amidst this movements of birds, I noticed a Magpie Robin perched in a branch hidden away from sight under the foliage of the tree. I watched this bird, flight ready with a vigilant, and perhaps a frightened look. Its vulnerability continued even when it occupied only the left our space. Even the left out space which normally not sought after by other birds did not appear to be safe!

This sight took me to the Bethlehem scene, where Mary after giving birth to her son, '... wrapped Him in clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn' (Luke 2:7). The left out place where only animals lived was the space where Jesu of Nazareth found his first earthly home. 

I felt crowded with thoughts as I stayed dwelling on the Bethlehem scene and the sight in our garden. The Magpie Robin hidden away in the foliage symbolised to me the scene surrounding the manger in Bethlehem. Jesus of Nazareth although had only the manger, a left out space, brought joy, glad tidings and hope to the shepherds and wise men who came to visit Him. 

Anna and I think about the events in the left out spaces all-round us, where people live fearfully and anxiously. In one sense, the way to be co-pilgrims with those who live in the left out spaces is to choose to live one's vocation in the left out space.

There are times when one might feel displaced even from the left out spaces! To live in the left out space and ever ready to move on when displaced is the true spirit of pilgrimage. I got a sense of this from the Magpie Robin positioning itself with its head and tail held in a flight ready mode! It is not a flight out fear, but because of desire to find the next left out space to live the vocation!

Anna and I feel vulnerable now, when two organisations into which ASHIRVAD contributed significantly in the last twenty five years to initiate child development activities, did not acknowledge it before the authorities of the government, who are currently inspecting all charitable organisations in the country to verify their authenticity. So we have been walking through troubled waters recently. 

Amidst the valley experience we have been through, Anna mentioned one morning, 'What if we produce a table calendar for 2023 to remember the 40 years of service of ASHIRVAD with flowers from the garden?'! That is how she designed the calendar,  Flowers for the year, which when we collected from the press three days ago, lifted us form the gloom of the recent weeks.

Living in the left out spaces brings their own risks and stresses. But it is when we are able to look around us, we would feel refreshed by the joys of life that still abound! Every flower in the calendar, has a story associated with it. Life is therefore a collection of stories of peeks and valleys, and not a one sided narration. The manger space is a place of fullness of joy, and stress of having to move out when there is pressure to do it, as it occurred to Mary and Joseph who had to move to Egypt with Jesus, as Herod was 'going to search for the child to destroy Him' (Mat.2:13). Mary and Joseph along with their son, Jesus lived in exile in Egypt until the death of Herod. 

I found these jasmine flowers with dew of the winter night at a hidden space at the edge of our garden this morning! It symbolised the fullness that one can experience while living one's vocation in the left out spaces!

I have every reason to remember Christmas in the year 2022, with the joy and anxiety, the first Christmas was associated with. Since the tinnitus started in in my one ear, this is  one time  in the last two months, the noise level is at its lowest, often not felt till I consciously attempt to hear it!  This is comforting although anxious thoughts linger on about how ASHIRVAD will be rated by the government as a charitable organisation!

Each day has its ups and downs. Through it all, growing to live with peace within is the calling to which I hope Anna and I will be able to respond and practice giving and forgiving!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)



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