17 March, 2022

The rounded grip !

Most of the birds have a claw structure which help them to have a good grip over the twig where they are perched! That provides them to stay secure.

What humans seem to loose amidst the struggle to live is the roundedness and wholistic approach that is vital. To have have an all-round view of any situation is what humans are endowed to have. 

But most seem to have a one sided view and presume that to be the complete view. 

Listening to the story of a child who is suffering from a post-traumatic stress,  it was gratifying to find the mother moving towards a wholistic view of the prolonged stressful events which landed the a boy in his mid childhood in conversion reaction. That awareness is the path leading to help the child unwind from the knots within himself in his void mind. 

To be reasonably rounded is to have a full grip of the situation which often is the strength while facing adverse circumstances. 

The birds have in their instinct to hold on by exercising a rounded grip !

Holding on would mean for us, to be fully present with a fair view of a difficult situation from 360 degrees, so that there is least bias but fullness of clarity and discerning spirit!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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