20 March, 2022

The corner stone!

While building the wall to our property recently, the mason pointed out to me the corner stone which separates our property from the neighbour's, which fascinated me. 

My parents owned this property for about sixty years and this is the first time I noticed the boundary stone that gave an authentic identification of the boundary of the property. 

The stones that separate the properties often have been a bone of contention between neighbours. The owner of the adjacent property visited the construction site and inspected the excavation done to build the foundation of the wall to make sure that we do not encroach on to his property. He went back more than glad for the boundary line we preserved between the two properties. 

It was a testing time for our integrity. 

We were glad to have had the approval of our neighbour. 

The result was a big surprise. The neighbour suggested to use the access to his property to stack the stones and stand needed for construction. That saved us from having to make a separate access with considerable difficulty. 

So this shall be a memorial for us. Our willingness to honour the property boundary earned us his favour. 

Yesterday I was caught in a traffic hold up in a junction. I was not able to move. In fact if I moved it could create space for others. I drove in to the adjacent open space to facilitate  decongestion. Every driver that passed by waved at me to express their gratitude. Although it took away ten minutes of my time, I felt good that I was able to act quickly. I confess that I am not so gracious some other times. 

What transforms situations of stress into peaceful ending is kind and thoughtful response to the situation!

Another learning experience !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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