28 November, 2021

The table!

Anna and I share this table during the early hours of the day, when we have our quiet times and conversation times. It has been our habit for a while now, at the beginning of the day. This table is in the centre of our study, sandwiched between the sitting and dining rooms. It is almost in the centre of our cottage. For some reason this table has become one of the symbols of our togetherness and shared journey.  

The table in marriage relationship is a meaningful symbol whether it is the dining table or sturdy table or conversation table. This round table we use for our conversation times has become a sign of God's presence between us. As we begin the day, it is this consciousness that enables us to look forward to the day. 

The flowers in the centre of the table reminds us each day, of the gift of life we carry in our lives. The candle is the light we are given to path find each day. The collection of pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, etc are symbols of skills we are given to live by working with our hands and minds. 

As we live quietly in the seventh decade of our lives, we begin the day with a prayer in our heart that we may be made a blessing for someone on that day. What a privilege it is to celebrate our togetherness for forty-six years each day morning, by being around this table! We have memories to celebrate and a lot to look forward to in growing in intimacy and mutuality. In our desire to grow in openness and turning each day to be a fulfilling day, we find the Scripture and the spiritual exercises we practice enabling and enlarging. 

The calling in marriage is to turn each day better than the day before! Here we are around the table, feeling grateful for having been brought together by the sacrament of marriage! 

The two flowers in a common stem, occurred to me as a true vision in marriage-oneness in marriage with two expressions!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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