12 September, 2021

Sunday sights in our garden!

I got annoyed seeing the rose flower eaten by insects! But there were other rose buds in the garden which would bloom soon! Then the Parakeets arrived with their birdsongs. A Kingfisher and a Wood pecker after a while!

That gave me an overview on what a garden is all bout! We create a garden for others and for ourselves. 

I find this thought little puzzling! The domestic worker who works for us keeps reminding me about using insecticides. I have often refrained from it. 

Living by providing for others is a demanding exercise. But why should birds visit the garden unless they find feed and water in the garden! Why should honey bees come unless there are flowers with nectar! Why should butter flies come to nest in the garden unless they find their favourite foliage in the larvae stage! This is the biological cycle of life!

I have recently thought about this way of living at my work context. During my nine years of work in the place where I am now, I have refreshing recollections of people in the hospital who have been amazing in their availability and courteousy. 

After taking money from the ATM I usually go to the hospital cash counter to get change for the large denomination bills. There are two of them at the counter who have impressed me with their unusual friendly disposition, although they have a queue of people waiting at the counter. In a conversation with who know them, I found out that they are by nature thoughtful and helpful. They serve others and it is their mission. 

I felt challenged by a remark by parents who wait in the arrival hall with children before they are called in for consultation, that the place is devoid of toys or child friendly pictures in the hall. It is following the COVID season the toys were removed from there to maintain the protocol of keeping the place sanitised. A colleague responding to this challenge turned the hall into an inviting place with pictures, posters, bulletin boards, etc. in a week. It was a response to welcome others. The toys arrived soon thereafter in the children's corner. 

A garden is for insects, birds, butterflies, honey bees, and scores of others! 

It is also for us!

What is ours is also for others!

I wish, I can grow in this consciousness to choose this way of living!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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