20 September, 2021

Between a Bud and Flower!

All buds do not become flowers. Some become a prey to the insects. 

Thos who become flowers live to give fragrance and nectar!

I have been recently reading about the adverse impact of the two lost school years for children in India due to the Corona pandemic!

While the political masters justify about online learning about it having been a substitute, the reality is that children have lost the soul of schooling, which is social life and group learning. 

A generation of children would soon return to schools from November 2021 as it stands now, with losses and griefs! I wonder whether the educationalists are ready to welcome children back to school and provide a smooth passage for children during this transition time! 

I come across children and parents who speak about the losses and disappointments of this season! Our classrooms would soon be a place of gathering of children who have a long way to go to recover from their losses before they can turn to curriculum based learning!

Will there be parent-teacher consultation to make this transition easy for children!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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