20 September, 2021

In search of Food!

I have often noticed Barbets come to the papaya tree searching for ripe fruit! It is still too early for the fruit to be ready! The morning flight stations of the birds in our garden include fruit trees. 

I met a migrant worker who told me that he has to search for food every day as it is now three months since he has had a regular job. His family in Orissa depends on him. He sends what he earns once or twice a week and lives with what is left over!

Yes there are many, who still search food in our cities and rural areas! 

I have similar experiences with neighbours. If they do not have a daily job, they would find it hard to feed the family!

I wonder whether the churches would have a food store, from where the neighbours can come and gather enough for their need in these difficult times following the Corona pandemic!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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