26 September, 2021

A bud's time!


It took four days for a rose bud to arrive at this readiness to open in to a flower! Hopefully ti would be flower tomorrow. Between the first stage of the flower to the fully open state it might take tow ore three days. So during about fifteen days from the early stage of a bud to bed a flower is a slow process. A bud is vulnerable to insects who throve one leaves and flowers. They are in our garden in plenty!

Personal formation is a process and sometimes takes us through risky path. 

Ou personal formation begins from the time of our conception. It is about becoming a fully awake and an open human being in whom abides the fullness of purpose, the created character, which God had put in us during our initial formation in our mother's womb.  The environment in which we live is both salutary and adversarial for this formative process. Salutary, because we live in a civil society. where moral values, ethical behaviour and humane attitudes are often manifested in an exemplary way.  Adversorial, because the forces of evil are also rampant in our society which trap us in to its mould to live selfishly and greedily, unmindful of others. 

Amidst this dual influences, we have an opportunity to choose tree direction of our lives, calling and allegiance to a higher purpose to our life and living. 

After having watched scores of buds during each season in our rose bushes, I get a sense that the majority of buds become flowers. 

I write this at a time when the corona pandemic is still holding us back from living our lives fully and self-givingly. 

I now know form the experience with rose buds, they would blossom even if the insects have eaten most the petals. I have seen buds with most of the petals, but eaten partially, giving a ragged appearance to the rose petals, which otherwise appear elegant and beautiful. 

The formative process when interfered with makes humans live with existential consciousness and not with an altruistic mission!

The effect of formation in each person's life is the discovery of a mission beyond personal gains!

We do not get educated to get a job to live secure, but to find a vocation to live and to make a difference to people around us by leading them to their mission in life!

Formation process leads us to a calling of becoming formatters for others!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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