18 May, 2021

Finding nectar!

During the in between dry spell of about half an hour, when it was raining most of the day, butterflies were searching for its nectar. There were a few in our lawn.

I took time to observe this one, which moved from one open flower to the other for its nectar Its arrival and departure drew my attention. It did not hover around purposelessly, but identified every open flower in a bunch of buds and gathered the nectar and flew away.

Its purposefulness and focus was phenomenal. It had its plan in focus. 

Getting distracted is my struggle. Almost every evening when I arrive at home from work, I have a list of things I have planned  to do, while driving back home. Yesterday, I wanted to complete two projects that was spending for a week. 

I got distracted by the news about the demolition plan of seven iconic buildings in New Delhi to accommodate the the current plan of Central Vista.

I remember going to most of the buildings for functions and meetings. The buildings such as museums, art and cultural centre,  conference centre, and other heritage centres are going to be demolished. 

I just could not recover from the shock! To think that a new political leadership has to undo the pre-independent and post independent history in such a thoughtless manner to me is utter disregard to our foundational history of India. About 70 historians and intellectuals have written to the Prime Minister protesting against this plan requesting to suspend this plan till further consultations took place. The supremacy of the political party that governs the country with its brute majority gives no chance for dialogue. 

To feel is one thing, but to be overcome by a disturbing experience to loose track of what needs attention is yet another thing. I wonder whether I fall in to the second category!

That is why meditating on the behaviour of this butterfly was revealing and illuminating!

Although life cannot be lived in a linear progression, life cannot be allowed to get dissipated  by distractions!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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