31 May, 2021

Cloud, wind and darkness!


I was on my way back home from the hospital a few days back. The weather turned ugly, with strong wind, dark cloud in the horizon and increasing darkness! 

I stopped at the way side watching the bird movements. 

As I looked on either side of the road, I noticed these two birds not far from each other, perched in a somber mood!

As I waited for about ten minutes at this sight till it started to drizzle, what I watched brought memories of recent experiences at my work place.

As far children are concerned, it is a dry season in their lives.  They are denied of normal childhood experiences of schooling and made to sit before the on line instruction each day due to the COVID pandemic!

While listening to parents about the awful experiences of having to restrain children from going out to play or to visit the neighbourhood homes to meet with friends, or have get togethers, I felt lost as they are at their wits end.  

During an on-line consultation with a child, he told me that he is waiting to go back to school. He wants to go back to school, because that is where he can be with friends. 

With the third wave of COVID predicted to affect children, there is a panic among parents and health care professionals. Where will all children find facility to receive help! How can children be separated from parents if they have be to be in quarantine!

It is a long way away from vaccination for children!

The two birds weathering the wind and cloud outburst made me realise that they are used to this and ready for this. They know that 'even this will pass away'!

I wonder whether we can refocus on preparing children to return to school now or later, for which teachers and children need a great deal of emotional preparation. 

Teachers too are heavy of heart as they are made to live away from the proximity of children which is what makes teaching a vocation. 

Amidst losses, we need to find gains and meaning from this difficult season. 

The professionals in the department where I work created two nursery rhyme albums and uploaded in the U-tube calling it, 'Singing for children during COVID time'!

The road home is long, winding and lonely!

We need to stay with children and parents to help them go beyond this interruption to their school life! 

I wonder there would be 'Listening friends' in the community, who are ready to be in a de-briefing role! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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