01 May, 2021

A flower and a Nectar gatherer!

I have a fascination to watch Bees, Butterflies and Ants in our garden, who gather nectar from flowers. They take what they come for!

Is that all they do!

Every time I gather the Guava fruits from the tree in our front garden, I remember the bees that flew in to gather nectar and left the flower pollinated for them to be come fruits later. 

So the nectar gatherers are not just takers, but givers as well!

I heard the confession of a young professional who was recently admitted in a 100 year old mission hospital in a South Indian city, critically ill with COVID complications. He, not spontaneously oriented to a faith journey in life, felt the 'power of prayer' as he received care from the doctors and nurses. During his recovery journey he visited the chapel of the hospital which reminded him of the symbol of God's presence. The buildings of the hospital looked old, but what radiated according to him was the healing presence of God. 

Following his recovery, he took up the cause of championing for the cause of  mission hospitals in rural areas. He sent an audio massage that spoke of his transformed view of life and intent to give himself to promote the cause of mission hospitals. 

He was not just a taker, but a giver as well. 

In a conversation with a doctor couple who needed support during the time of an illness of their  recently born daughter, they narrated to me of how a friend was a companion to them at that time of their stressful situation. Anna and I know this person, who in a conversation said to us, 'I found involving with them a refreshing experience'. 

Being mindful of others, is living like an open flower with nectar to give away! What we receive in turn is a renewal in our own lives! It is in giving we receive. It is more blessed to give than to receive!

I reflected over the last one year in my life. While the COVID pandemic disturbed normal living, I felt subsumed by another crisis in my work place, which lasted for a year and is yet to blow over! I remember giving up writing to some mission hospitals to stay connected with them during their several creative responses to the pandemic in their areas. I sent out a greetings to some hospitals yesterday after a break of five months.  What stopped me from focussing on others who were in the frontiers facing an unforeseen situation!

A desire to stay insulated and protect oneself in troubled times! This to me was regression to a self seeking level of existence as against an altruistic way of living! 

Life is fulfilling when we resonate with each other and feel engaged in what matters to others! And yet that is the vocation we loose sight of when going through a valley experience. 

A friend who is facing many major decisions including having to relocate to another continent sent a message to me yesterday, remembering Anna and myself during this difficult time,, when we are house bound due to the community spread of the COVID 19! She holds a space for others in her consciousness, amidst the engagement with her own situation. 

Live like a flower open to others. That is a how a flower becomes a fruit!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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