08 September, 2019

A mason designing a wall!

This Maison Roy asked me, 'Do want a compound wall or a wall of art'!  Anna and I consented for the latter, sensing his passion to do something different from the usual. 

I have watched this process for about two weeks now. He is building wall of art around the property, which is about 150 meters long on one side.

According to him, this provides good circulation of air at the bottom, where as the air circulation in large properties takes place above the tree  levels when there is a wind. Secondly it gives a good view of the ground level vegetation of the property even form a distance. Thirdly, gives a continuity between the outside and inside of the property.

A Maison is also an artist. An electrician, Saji, who keeps a watch over a sixty years old electric wiring in our cottage too is an artist. His replacement works and creation of new facilities have made our walls look aesthetic. 

I feel that both of them have created a new understanding about ordinary or routine work we do. Even they can be made to look and feel aesthetic. 

Theirs is a good example for us to work on our garden to give it an artistic facelift ! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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