04 September, 2023

A Bird call in the dark!

It was a moon lit night and I heard the silence interrupted around 8 pm, a little distance away from where I was staying,  while on a holiday. It was a bird call repeated in the same tune and loudness a few times, slightly different from the usual bird calls. The pictures above taken with my zoom lens did not reveal the colour of the bird. From its body contour and formation of the bills, it was likely to be a Sunbird. 

I checked with a bird lover who told me that the bird calls at such a time might indicate a distress call. From what he described to me, it might have had an injury, lost its flight path and is away from its usual night halt station. 

It flew away after a while. So it was well enough to fly. 

The avian mood and experience is communicated through the bird calls! I wish I had recorded to get an opinion on the state of anxiety of the bird!

It happened on a day, when I faced a difficult situation and was unable to open up to share. Being open for a self disclosure is a skill, which promotes personal development. 

Whether or not we disclose our inner happenings, most observant people would pick up the changes we convey in our body language, tone of voice or relative social withdrawal as signs of being preoccupied 'within'. 

It is when we are preoccupied we need a listening person to support us to move forward from where we are emotionally!

The bird broke its silence even at night to express itself! 

Each of us can break our silence, when what we carry within becomes heavy to bear!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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