14 May, 2023

One among the Many!

Anna and I have had an opportunity to visit a Botanical Garden recently, where we noticed how each plant and tree received its attention proportionate to its need. Some flowering plants, shrubs and trees come from other climatic regions which needed individual attention. 

Let me present you the following photos to bring the diversity in that garden! All the plants and trees looked bright unfolding its colour, texture, foliage formation, flowers and seeds.  

This garden truly had been designed through a  well thought about plan,  for attending to the plants and trees as if each one mattered. Some needed more moisture and others less; some needed more space for their foliage formation and others lesser space; some were perennials and others seasonal... so the differences were many. 

What intrigued me was the individual attention which was provided to some trees, in the photos below,  which needed a different plan than what was common to others. Such trees, which have an expansive branching all around the stem and foliage which grows up and side ways were planted away from other tall trees, which would cast shadow on them to inhibit the foliage growth. There were neither  trees or shrubs around such trees which had a different  growth pattern than others. They grew more sideways than only upward. I felt amazed how large space was created for the special needs of such trees. 

While walking further in to the garden, after having been in the above stretch of several acres, I felt that this botanical garden gave attention to trees and plants as they needed. 

The parable Jesus of Nazareth spoke about a fig tree planted in vineyard (Luke 13: 6-9), drew my attention at that time. The fig tree having not born any fruit for three years, was about to be cut down, when the gardener intervened to tell the landowner: Give it a chance. Let us give manure and wait for the next season for suits'. That parable gave me a new consciousness about the individual attention that a fig tree needed in a vineyard. The soil conditions of nutrients, moisture and the protection of the vine bed  were specific to the Vine. If so the Fig tree would not have received  attention according to its requirements to bear fruits. 

The Fig tree did not fail in giving fruits. The garden where it was planted did not have suitable soil conditions!

Each individual is a person of significance and needs protection and care. 


It is this human vocation, which was brutally violated when a patient, whose wound a young doctor was about to dress,  stabbed the doctor several times in a rage behaviour. Dr Vandana, whose photo is above,  succumbed to the injury a few hours later. She was the only daughter to her parents, who waited for her to move on in life personally and professionally. But she lost her opportunity to blossom! 

During this week, when the medical professionals in the state where I live,  were shaken and shocked by this incident, we encounter this reality that evil has taken roots in human behaviour in an alarming way!

One person through his violent behaviour killed a person and destroyed all the prospects she carried in her future. 

This violent behaviour is tip of the iceberg. There is domestic violence in many homes. There is emotional and physical child abuse in homes. There are criminal acts against women even in public places. There are street fights between people. The neighbours are quarrelsome to each other. 

I stayed disturbed and shaken during this week!

I felt that an individual is too little a person for people in authority to take notice of. The Health Minister of the state, after doctor became a martyr while perfuming her duty, said, perhaps inadvertently, that the doctor was young and inexperienced that she did not have sense of presence to run away from the attacker. The police officials present at the scene, submitted an affidavit in the court that that this doctor did not run to a room, where others gathered to  escape from the attacker. The father of this doctor in his anguish, asked, 'Could not have the police taken a chair that was there, to make the offender fall and disarm him! The attacker was known to have a history of alcohol use. It was the police who bought him to hospital for treatment of his wound in his leg. I find the behaviour of police appalling!

I was fuming within with distress and anguish on account of this.  I noticed a butterfly on a flower outside our gate, while getting out to go to the hospital the next day. 

The sight below brought a refreshing perspective. A butterfly while receiving its nectar pollinates the flower. 

Each flower gives nectar and is visited by ants, insects, bee, butterfly, bird...! Its giving is outstanding. It is denied the freedom to choose, how much to give or whom to give. Giving is its normal nature!

I carried this thought upon my heart during the drive to the hospital. 

I met two families during the day, who struggled with loneliness, abandonment, displacement and stressful living. They spoke of not being able to turn to any one for help!

I wondered whether we are neighbourless voyagers in this journey of life! From the little I gathered about the patient who harmed the doctor, I realised that he has had a troubled and indulgent past! He was a teacher in school until recently! He ended up becoming a victim of his unresolved past and felt uninhibited to behave insanely towards a doctor who was ready to treat him. 

There are many among us, who suffer owing to the traumatic experiences in our lives. The parable that I quoted above from the sayings of Jesus of Nazareth comes back to me with a call! The one fig tree needed an extra attention! That was what the gardener offered to do!

There are many among who need this second mile approach of thoughtfulness and consideration. It is when that is denied, some of them,  unable to experience resolution of inner conflicts, become ruinous in attitude and behaviour. 

I confess we do not have a system in place in the society that I belong to,  where we can practice a second mile approach to care for those suffering with traumatic experiences. Sometimes, while talking about this to the clergy in the Church, to become companions to those who are alcohol dependent or chronic offenders at home towards spouses or children, they find that response towards the needs of such people can be too demanding or time consuming. 

Acts of love towards others, initiates a communication process, which is the path towards inner reconciliation. 

The odd person is also a person. He is not just one among the many. He or she is a person, struggling to discover the image of God within, which has been distant to the consciousness within. 

I know of some who  befriend those who are different and difficult! 

I was on an evening walk one day recently.  I saw the goat above trapped in the knots it created for itself, while moving around the tree,  where it was to graze.  I got a vivid sense of the situations form this sight, of helplessness that people fall into ! From the overgrown grass all around the goat, it was clear that it got entangled in the knots fairly soon after it was tied. The goat not having been  able to feed would be hungry and exhausted, I thought. But it had to wait till someone  came for rescue. 

I could think of a few who are waiting for someone to assist to move out of the mess that they have landed in !

Look for the one who needs a helping hand! That is what is upon my heart as I close with floral tributes to Dr Vandana for laying down her life while serving! Anna and I remember the grieving farther and mother, whom we hope we can visit shortly!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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