13 May, 2023

Fresh Flowers, Feathery Friends and Family friends !

I want to summarise  our holiday time remembering Fresh flowers Anna and I encountered during our walks. The flowers below gave us a window in to the hues of colours and the elegance the flowers add to our nature. They are present to greet us in silence and splendour. We felt invited to stop often to take in the mission of life they bring to us! They are all around us! They bring cheer and contentment as they live their cycle of giving and fading away!

The feathery Friends bring another message, of living with freedom and receiving what they need each day from the nature around. They have no barns to draw their food from. They fend for their food each day and travel distances to find it. They sing along their flight. They live in open branches except during the nesting season, and migrate when necessary to protect themselves from extremes of climate conditions. Even during a storm or cyclone they sing to bring comfort to humans and avians. 

The family friends are companions and formators during our earthly journey. During a meeting with a family of dear friends, we sat to converse with coffee, looking at the paintings on the wall, they did! The conversations about life events and the way they influence our living brought many memories and events which w have shared between us as families. Meeting with friends is one occasion when our lives can receive a new insight of hope and purpose. That is what we received while being with this family!

To live is to be relational!

To receive is to feel touched to grow.

To be grateful is to grow in humility and kindness. 

Anna and I when we look back at the break we had from our work setting, what stays with us is this experience of this consciousness of how much we have been given!

The fresh flowers, feathery friends and family friends are symbols of life's gifts that have come to us! 

To be a gift with attention to care for someone, is a message that we receive while we celebrate the gifts that have come to us !

The water fall below is ever flowing wetting the rock and the greenary! Its source is not in itself. Its source is from a water source somewhere. 

To be in a giving role, it is necessary to be in a receiving disposition, which makes us resourceful to bring gifts of love to others. When we grow acquisitive or possessive, we become greedy to receive and withdraw from being in a giving orientation. 

It is this question that stays with me as I look back at the holiday time! 

Giving or Possessive!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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