02 May, 2022

On the Sunday Morning!

During my Sunday morning walk, while the sky was just turning bright before the sunrise, I noticed the two water hens in a fierce fight. A third hen also joined the scene shortly. There was loud and distressing bird calls. After about couple of minutes there was a regathering of the pair who normally occupied the territory after chasing the invader hen away. 

While this distressing sight engaged me, I turned around to look at the fields. An Egret and a pair of Ibis were in the adjacent plot beyond a small stream. I noticed the Egret pausing and looking alert hearing the bird calls of the hens. The Ibis carried on their feeding spree. A cow  was quietly grazing. A Kingfisher was watching over the movement in the stream below, and another pair of Kingfishers were perched on the cable, one of which had a fish between its bills. 

We wait for 9th May when according to the Russian TV, the President of Russia might declare world war with a warning of having to use use nuclear arsenal. 

Some choose conflict as the way of life and some others live their lives composed to stay content and let others live in their comfort zone. Live and let live!

I have been through a down hill journey last week. It was the first anniversary of the reorganisation of the place where I work, where following a crisis, I spent a year regathering my composure to move on. A trigger made me return to recalling the painful events that preceded and followed the crisis. I had thought that most of my hurting experiences were in a healing stage. It was at the end of the outburst of that recollection, I realised that I have a longer journey to feel reconciled. 

It was therefore a journey further into the healing experience, when I watched the contrasting sights in the morning. Water hens fighting and all the others whose photos are above in this blog carry on their rhythm in life comfortably and enthusiastically. 

One can carry the burden of disappointments or draw lessons to carry on to live altruistically and contentedly. Every pain is a sign of a hurt as well as of the healing process. I was comforted to some extent that the recent pain was more of an experience while travelling through the healing phase.

I liked the sight of the water hen pair looking composed and comfortable to move on after its conflict experience. 

To stay in the shadow of a conflict experience is also painful. A conflict is a turmoil and shock.  But the journey beyond that can be upbuilding as much as one is open to forgive and feel restored incrementally!

It was a reminder to me that as much as I am hurt, others too are hurt! My recall of hurt or disappointment can disturb others who are moving out of their painful experiences. I wonder if I disturbed their process of forgiving and healing! I feel I did. 

I liked seeing the Kingfisher pair, one with its feed between its bills. The other is staying vigilant for its turn for the feed. It waits patiently for being provided for. 

I close this recollection with a longing for such a measure of patience to wait for the high tides to settle!

A Sunday morning with a reminder of Jesus of Nazareth, who walked the way of his life as a suffering servant bringing healing to others around Him!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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