26 March, 2016

The danger of drifting!

As I kept watching this ball floating on the surface of a swimming pool moving in the gentle breeze of the morning, I connected with my own experience of drifting by the impact of the environment.

One recent experience which made me aware of the risk of drifting is the turbulent situation in some university campuses in the country. I was actively involved in student agitations during the initial years of my college and got into serious trouble with the police and narrowly escaped greater trouble. 

For everyone who has the ambition of being in political leadership, being active politically as a student is most desirable. But for rest of us, it can be a distraction leading us away from our sense of purpose. I was glad that I was rescued from losing my direction at that time by friends who helped me to revise my perspective!    

One can blame the circumstance, but it is only half the truth. While listening to families, when men have become addicted to alcohol, the excuse is the environment! Let me suggest that the will within us is stronger than the forces outside of us, because 'He who is with us is greater than the one who is in the world'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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