05 January, 2016

Flowers and dew!

One of the sights I look for in the morning during my walk in the garden is different ways the dew leaves its imprint in nature!

The flowers remain moist for most part of the morning even till mid day sometimes,  inspite of the direct sunshine on the flowers. So the flowers receive its moisture form the plant and form the dew at night.

This double favour of the nature provide longevity and freshness to flowers. 

Yesterday, while listening to a 11 years old boy, I was appalled the way he was discriminated and punished at home and school for this difficulty to tread and write. He spoke about his experiences with sorrow and grief.

Children need favour and consideration at all times. They need parental protective and supportive attitude. To have them grow up in the shadow of parental love and kindness is seminal to their formative process of being conscious of their self-worth. 

I come across children who live reduced lives on account of lack of affirmation and encouragement. There is an overdrive to correct and conform them to parental expectations!

Children are gifts- so treasure them with regard! They imbibe values and grow up in an ambience of love and care! I wish there was more generosity of love and care for children rather than being preoccupied with disciplining them!

M.C.Marhew (text and photograph)

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