24 January, 2016

Coffee seeds!

The coffee seeds are ready to pluck during in our garden! Some plants are already flowering in our garden!

The coffee plants receive least of attention in our garden and yet every year they produce about three kilos of seeds.

They bear fruits in their season even when they are not well cared for!

There is a lesson for us in this rhythm of nature! In due season the plants flower and produce fruit! They do not withhold flowering and  fruit bearing even when they are not cared for!

We as humans choose to be kind or helpful or considerate when we choose to do so, only if we have been treated well. 

We are called to live in a self giving way! A friend showed me this inspite of difficulty he had to undergo! He postponed his holiday to accommodate my convenience!

That was a lesson for me to revise my thinking of why we we need to do good- not because it is easy, but because it is the good thing to do!

M.C.Mathew(text an photo)

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