18 June, 2014

Trim before breaking away!

Every time I see a branch of a tree broken away in stormy rain, I wonder whether we have delayed in trimming the tree to protect it form such accidents!

Every tree grows searching for its own space. The tree bends and reaches out to the source of sunlight during which process it loses its own balance. It can spread itself too much on one side in search of sunlight that its gravitational weight is too much on one side. Sometimes some branches are too weak to sustain itself in the wind, because of inner decay. Some branches get too heavy when it has to bear fruits such as mangoes, jackfruit etc. 

Whatever  may be cause for branches to be wrenched from the tree, it is because of delayed trimming. 

Trimming or pruning as Jesus of Nazareth referred to while speaking about the vine and branches in the gospel of St. John chapter 15, is part of good stewardship in gardening. All trees need to receive that physical formatting that would allow it to grow proportionately and evenly balanced.

Yesterday, one family came with a teenage boy who is addicted to TV viewing. He is disproportionate in his choice and selection. He has failed and is struggling with making up. His parents confess that they allowed this to happen by neglect. 

One effective contribution we can offer to children is to recognise their ‘imbalances’ early enough and help them to be sound in character and conduct. There are pages that report crime of young people in the newspapers and most stories refer to indifference or neglect of parents!

We owe it to children to 'trim' their behaviour on time so that they have a character that is wholesome!   

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