29 June, 2014

New arrivals!

I happened to pick up a book on Butterflies during my recent travel. The author gave a vivid introduction about ‘how to look for butterflies’! It is different from bird watching, where the chirping and visible movements can attract one’s attention.

The butterflies are best noticed in the mornings and just before the dusk. It is good to be around flowering plants during this time. They arrive only if the ambience is quiet. They like to be in the sunshine and therefore would hover around flowers which are open and exposed to sunshine. 

Since I began looking for them taking these cues, Anna and I seem to have noticed many more in an array of colours. 

The butterflies remind me of children who look for the butterflies in the garden and make every effort to catch them. A five years old child who got one had it sealed in a jar. His mother persuaded him to let it fly out. The bargain was that the mother would take photos of all the butterflies and have them framed to hang on the wall in his room. His mother told me, that it is her son who drew her attention to many butterflies in the garden!

We need an interest and heightened awareness to take note of what is taking place around. Many things compete for our attention and in this process little things escape our attention. Sometimes little things bring larger meaning to our lives!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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