21 June, 2014

Move to stay fit!

The focus is on health and life style changes in public health. The diseases linked to a stressful life are  on the increase. 

I spend about six hours or more during the day sitting and working! This has been so for the last forty five years.

When I visited the Physical Medicine department at the Christian Medical College twenty five years ago, Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, the head of the department invited me to join a fifteen minutes of body exercises, which the staff performed together, at the beginning of each working day. He mentioned to me that he encouraged the staff to do static and dynamic exercises during the day on other occasions as well. He was already aware of the need of movement to optimise healthy living.

Now the emphasis on movement comes from well proven research.

The incessant rains recently have interrupted our five kilometre walk each day. Anna and I got our domestic workers to make a walking track through our property. Twenty rounds along the walking track would equal the distance that we used to walk. 

I have also got used to walking on two occasions along the corridor of the hospital twice a day, which takes fifteen minutes each time. I find it refreshing and feel good at the end of it. 

Move to stay well- this was introduced to us by Dr. Hans Burki through the exercises regimen Feldencras  advocated. Slow movement by paying attention to what is happening through each movement helps to integrate the body and mind which actually promotes attention and awareness.

Stay well so that we can prepare ourselves to experience fullness of life!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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