31 August, 2012

One plus one is a larger ONE

One of the popular novelists in Malayalam, probably Thakazhi, seems to have observed a class room scene in the High Ranges in Kerala, where a teacher was introducing arithmetic lessons to the pre-school children, about which he wrote in one of his novels. The teacher asked the children the answer for one plus one. Everyone in the class except one answered as two. The one who differed said, 'a larger one'. He called the attention of the teacher and showed the waterfall in the mountain, where two streams of water joined
together to become one larger stream.     

The logic of the child was as much rational as the logic behind the arithmetics of the other children. 

The arithmetics is a simple summation and follows the logic of numerical norms. This is a quantitative measurement.

What the child referred to was, synergic expansion, which has a lot to do with behavioual science. If we were to be kind to others, we often receive larger measure of kindness in return. It is not just reciprocity but generosity. If we help some one in need it moves many others to help. When we visit a senior citizen staying alone, others too join in to visit. When we keep our street clean, then others too feel inclined to do so. 

As Anna and I walked to various offices during this week to say farewell to friends and acquitences, we were touched by an unusual warmth of many. One person, came back to visit us to say, how much, he appreciated us enquiring about his health and family. He said, he too started this practice among his friends and they now talk more about themselves, when they meet for coffee break instead of  talking about films or criticizing others or gossip. There is synergy of larger good when we sow seeds of goodness. 

Jesus of Nazareth 'went about doing good', we are told by the writers of the gospel, who described his life and doings. One good deed has the potential to have a larger impact, as many good deeds will become synergistic functionally. In fact doing good, even in the midst of hostility is the way to authenticate that doing good is a virtue.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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