18 August, 2023

The inward and the outward!

 The three photos above brought different thoughts. 

I noticed the Moth in that stationary position on the surface of a blue drum. Its body stillness captured my attention. 

The silence on the road was another surprise, unlike the crowded roads elsewhere and the speeding vehicles on the road. The green number plate of the car suggested it was an electric vehicle. 

A mobile market on a two wheeler! The microphone hanging on the handle tells the way the announcement is made while the merchant moves from street to street to sell the produce. 

It gave me an opportunity to feel how life is lived in different situations. The Moth in its comfortable environment, the car traveller having an opportunity to take in the splendour of the sights on both sides of the road while going uphill and a merchant fending for customers to sell his farm produce!

These are three dimensions in our daily life!

Time to be quiet and inwardly listening; time to look around and feel the bliss of nature to become aware of the richness of provisions around us and the call to work from that sense of inner wellness and comfort!

There are times when I feel driven and compelled to live in haste and stress! 

To stay in touch with ourselves, we need to have an optic of looking for surprises awaiting all around us!

When I saw acres of arid land converted into wind farm to generate electricity all around Pollachi, in Tamil Nadu, I felt enthused bye the farsightedness to produce non conventional energy from wind and sunlight. The wind farms and solar energy panels on roof tops of many buildings are more common in the recent years. The collection and storage of rain water is another common feature planned at the time of construction of buildings. 

The anxiety associated with existential challenges of environmental degradation is real wherever we live. But the initiatives and alternatives to keep environment protected are becoming more common. 

The Moth in its stillness gives a message of composure. The serene sights in a mountain journey remind us of nature protecting life on earth. The mobile merchant highlights the overcoming instinct of humans to work and live! The wind farms announce that hums are always innovating!

There is enough around us to give us a sense of hope.  Each of us can do something small to make our environment healthy! 

I noticed yesterday how a family turned to composting the fallen leaves from their earlier practice of burning them. A small step but significant. 

To live well inwardly, in an environment which receives our protective attention!

It is when birds flock to where we live, we know that our environment is hospitable enough!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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