27 February, 2020

At mid day

At the middle of the day, this jack fruit remains hidden with some light around it and on it! It is not visible usually to those who walk around the tree in our garden. Yet the jack fruit is growing and soon would be ripe for us to enjoy the fruit. 

Some good people and their good deeds remain hidden. I met with a family who told me about a neighbour who has educated both their children for over ten years because pf which both of them have a job and hopefully they woeful have a house to live in and they would be soon married. One instruction they had to follow was not to mention to anyone about what they have done! Similar to what Jesus of Nazareth used to say to those whom He healed, 'not to make Him known or tell no one about who did this'! 

Good deeds become even more significant when they are done quietly. In fact an act of thoughtfulness or kindness has its origin in human heart. It might loose its sacredness when it is made known beyond the essential level. In fact Jesus of Nazareth did say;'let not the right hand know what the left hand does'!

In the context of social media becoming scenic sights of all things which ordinarily would have remained private, it is good to practice the virtue of hiddenness! It is this which would help to keep many things solemn and sacred!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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