03 March, 2019

Dafney and Dulce !

Dafney and Dulce have a play time together inside our cottage in the morning. At the end of that time  Anna offers a a treat to both of them. It is usually milk in two separate bowls of their liking. 

Today I offered them in their bowls a bone with some meat on them. The first picture is the posture of Dafney for a while after placing the bone outside the bowl. 

Dulce and picked up her bone and wandered away and reappeared in the scene which is the second picture. Seeing this, Dafney got up, picked up the bone and moved away. 

They are three years apart in age. 

Dafney from her very young days would often wait looking at the bowl of food for a while before she would consume it. Sometimes she would keep a potion of it till the evening meal arrives. 

Dulce on other hand,  if it is milk, meat or a biscuit would consume it instantly. 

Fortunately they do not quarrel over food when they are served together.  

I watch them to get a sense of the way they live in a friendly way. Al through the time inside the cottage, they chase each other, hide and seek and play with socks by flinging in the air. They have their toys, but what they find in the waste baskets or in the laundry bag would be objects of their interest during the play time. 

Both of them make me feel that they are light hearted and seek each other for the pleasure of playing.,which is their way of communication!

I carry home this message- seek each other for pleasure of conversation and communicating !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo) 

Photoblog:  childdevelopmentashirvad.blogspot.com

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