01 March, 2019

Buds without dew!

Yesterday was the first day since October, 2018, I noticed the buds and leaves without dew on them early in the morning! The night temperature has shot up. The whether has changed. Now it is a long wait for dew till late October, all being well!

The buds and leaves are not the same without the water particles covering them! They look dry and vulnerable. The dew was a protection and a decoration.

Yesterday, I had a long conversation with a colleague on the 'grace' of behaviour! I had just returned from the coffee booth where I saw something refreshing and touching. While there were a few of us waiting for coffee, this person at the counter cared to look at each of us with a smile of acknowledgement. It was a place to go to for coffee because of this graceful welcome!

I have about ten families who come to visit me each day! I began pondering over how I appear to them! I usually try engaging every child by letting them become present in the room. I watch them move around in the room exploring to play with something. It is when this happens I feel that a child is homely in the room. 

But, I am yet to be clear whether parents feel homely in the room as there are usually other professionals also in the room!

My usual opening question, 'tell me what is on your mind' although is a comfortable starting point for many, there are long pauses when some parents take time to compose their thoughts. My colleague told me that one comforting thing for most parents is this 'space of time' we offer to them!

This enlarged my understanding about the value of 'space of time'! 

Yesterday, a friend called me from another country and said, 'I thought of you now..'

That brought it even more specific! How much space of time I offer to others in my thoughts!

What is in a relationship without this mindfulness of others! It is like the buds in this blog without dew on them! Something is missing!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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