25 November, 2013

Two playful squirrels

I watched these two squirrels playfully chasing each other for a while. They kept moving between the adjacent trees and took turns to play with each other. In between they returned to their favourite spots in the trees to rest.

The squirrels do this often. I have noticed this almost on all days during my walk. I have watched this with Parakeets,   Robins, Warblers, Oriels  and Minas. It is is only the Magpie Robins who were an exception to this. 

These sights give me some insights about the way they live in their world. The parakeets and warblers when are in groups of five or more can withstand the attack from the crows and even chase them away. 

I have picked up some lessons from squirrels and birds.

They live freely and fully amidst the dangers they face from the predators. Their strength is in being together. They build their familiarity through play, searching for food together and protecting each other. The herd instinct is obvious. The birds have a special tone in their chirping, when they sense danger. They flock together and fly together.

It is in contrast to the human instincts we observe often. I think we have become even more self seeking in the recent times. Our mindfulness of others and their needs is getting substituted by a passion to be comfortable and successful. This is not how we have been destined to be. We are all meant to be thoughtful of the well being of others as well!

The children during their play time demonstrate this interest in others. Yesterday while visiting a home, we realised how the two pre-school children were keen to include the other in the play by turn taking. 

Let us see each other as those sharing in the journey to become a human family!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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