16 November, 2013

Finding a colour that represents us !

I was encouraged to find in this artist another fan of blue colour. I have had to listen to a comments from close friends, ‘MC has only shades of blue in his wardrobe’. In fact it looks like that I am drawn by blue shades when I buy presents for others.

Our choice of colour is a subjective perception. However there can be several reasons. In my case, I moved from white colour to brown, maroon, cream and of late blue. When I saw this news paper article I went through a mental journey to recall any tangible reason for this change in my liking of colours when I bought clothes for myself.

I wonder whether it has something to do with my inner orientation! I stuck with white in my adolescent years as that is the colour of clothes what my parents usually wore. At college, I had an agitated spirit in the initial years bordering to rebellion. During those years I stayed with brown. Later after a sobering personal experience, I settled down to shades of maroon. It was during my working years, I shifted to shades of cream probably because I thought that a lighter shade of clothes provided a ‘mature’ look. It was in the last fifteen years, I shifted to shades of blue usually checked in design mixed with white, for a conscious reason that  I wanted to communicate a message of warmth and peace, when I am in formal settings.

Each of us chooses a colour usually because of a reason! The visual appeal may not be the only factor! I read with interest any comments about the meaning of colours!

I realised in the recent years, that we are outside what we are inside. The inside needs gentle and soft outward expression through behaviour, demeanour, communication style, dressing, language style, etc. This consciousness has grown with me. For me, who was naturally impulsive and in a hurry to speak and slow to listen, there was a challenge- to become more relational and be present to people without intimidating them in any way.

I have been on a journey to connect with people socially, emotionally and behaviourally.  There is an inner movement towards this. I do not suggest that we become somber, dry of fun and laughter or appear stand offish with our peculiarities.

The non verbal communication we offer to others is through many signals we send out. Therefore, whatever we wear or however we wear the clothes, it needs to have an authentic expression of what we represent or desire to represent.

The sports wear, party dress, casual wears also tell a story about ourselves. The outer has a resonance of the inner!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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