22 January, 2025

The way to receive!

A vase of flowers from our garden in our drawing room on the central table makes us grateful for plants that give us flowers!

This has in the recent weeks increased within me an awareness  of how much we receive, for which we ought to grow in gratefulness!

There is an attitude of entitlement which can make us want more and not feeling content. This belittles the gift of givenness. 

The feeling of gratefulness can become an enlarging experience when we realise that we are given gifts of love beyond our expectation!

When we received an invitation for baby showers from a family, who is expecting their first child, we were reminded of how grateful the family is for the joy of waiting for the baby!

The grateful attitude enhances the spirit of humility!

When I go back to replenish the flowers in the vase, after three or four days, what I come across is again fresh flowers and buds in the garden!

When I heard the new president of the USA speaks at his inauguration, I sensed an attitude of arrogance and defiance and little of gratefulness to the retiring president, from whom he was taking over!

This gave me an opportunity to go through a mental check list of my own level of gratefulness towards others!

A question surfaced within me! Is my expectation of gratefulness from others an hindrance to receive and acknowledge many grateful acts of kindness I receive!

The regular ATM from which I draw money did not  have cash two days ago. I had to go to a ATM in the next village. I stopped to ask a shop keeper about its location. He came out of his shop and showed me the ATM. After the transaction, as I was about to get into the car, he came back to ask if I got the cash. I stopped to have a conversation with him as I felt surprised by his thoughtfulness. He works part time in the shop to earn an extra income to send his son to college in June this year. He is a regular teacher in a school. A teacher's attitude is giving. It was that generous attitude that he conveyed to me, more than what I expected. 

I kept thinking about this on my way back home! Do I receive what I am given gratefully or casually!

To grow in gratefulness is a way to bring cheerfulness to others! The shop keeper felt encouraged when I stopped to have a conversation with him. It was his kindness that prompted me to do so!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

1 comment:

  1. Very grateful to you for sharing your profound thoughts of wisdom on a daily basis. Thanks for your unconditional giving of your time and sharing the beauty of your garden and the avian life within.
